Sunday, August 14, 2022

The Addition

This building in the Yorkville neighbourhood is in a heritage protection district but they were able to get permission to add onto the back as long as the street front was not changed.  So the addition that was added is that glass structure behind and apparently the floors run smoothly through from the front to back. The glass makes a nice backdrop for this fine building which is now occupied by offices.


  1. It does not work for me, though perhaps I'd have to judge by seeing it in person.

  2. How very odd. It looks as though it's just been unpacked from its box!

  3. The glass and chrome structure clashes with the traditional yellow brick front. The only way it may work is economically.

  4. Hello,

    I like the original building without the glass addition.
    Take care, enjoy your day and new week ahead.

  5. I thought they were two separate buildings. That's a pretty amazing addition.

  6. I wouldn't have guessed the glass building was part of the front brick building. I don't think it would have passed planning in the UK with it being taller and wider than the original building.

  7. That was a very clever workaround.

  8. That is a bit weird. Glad they saved the old building.

  9. Interesting marriage, Pat. You show it well
