Sunday, January 7, 2024

A Buried Creek

 Garrison Creek is one of several now buried creeks that run through the city down to Lake Ontario. There are quite a few of these plaques inset in sidewalks along its route to remind us about what is running below our feet. As the city grew these creeks were slowly covered over and the water was diverted into pipes. Garrison Creek's route ran through many of the parks in the west side of downtown such as Christie Pits Park and Trinity Bellwoods Park.


  1. It is a nice marker for the Garrison Creek.
    Take care, have a great week!

  2. It is sad to see a creek diverted into pipes and buried. The marker looks like a tomb stone.

  3. ...urban waterways often go missing.

  4. Not too long ago I saw a mystery set in London based around a covered river. I didn't know that they existed in good ole TO.

  5. I like that they put those markers in the ground so you know the creek is still there and functioning below your feet.

  6. I'm glad the creek is honored, but it is a bit sad that it has been buried which happens in cities all around the world, including Honolulu. Wishing you a beautiful day my friend. Aloha

  7. That is the case for a number of them. I was not familiar with this one.

  8. At least the path of the creek is marked. There is a project here to naturalise a major creek that now flows in a concrete drain. I think it is a pity to cover over creeks in urban areas.
