Saturday, January 6, 2024

A Visit With The Ducks

 This young girl was obeying the signs by not feeding the ducks but she still was having a nice visit with them beside the pond in James Gardens. They first came to her for food but then decided she was no risk to them so they all just hung out around her until her family called her away.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Hello,
    I always like seeing the large flocks of ducks and birds.
    They must be pretty tame or very hungry. Great photo!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  2. Good to see the positive interaction with these ducks. This winter has been so mild many ducks and geese have decided not to migrate south.

  3. Ducks know a kind soul when they see one.

  4. A nice and peaceful interaction. Great capture, Pat.

  5. What a shot revealing these curious ducks

  6. Now that's a LOT of ducks! WOW! I thought I saw a lot but this is 10 times more! Stay warm this week!

  7. Bien por ella. Ellos le hicieron compañía.
    Buen fin de semana Pat y buen 2024
    Un abrazo.

  8. That's a nice scene, with rather a lot of ducks. I'm sure the girl enjoyed her time spent with them.

  9. That little boy in the background seems to be casting a wary eye on the proceedings!

  10. it looks like she is really enjoying her visit with the ducks, no fear on either part. i use to feed the ducks duck food but other people did not like it so i stopped. ducks will always come out to greet a human, just in case they have food. they are always hopeful!!

    this is a great picture!!

  11. Hello :=)
    What a lovely photo! I have never seen so many ducks in such a large group, but how wonderful they look, and the girl must be thrilled to be surrounded by them.
    All the best
