Friday, January 5, 2024

Old Fire Truck

 This vintage fire truck from the Toronto Fire Services makes appearances in various parades and events around town. In this shot it was waiting to line up for a Santa Claus Parade a few years ago.


  1. That truck has been beautifully maintained.

  2. This one is not easily overlooked.

  3. Old fire trucks are always great to see. They are often in great condition because they live in heated garages, drive few miles, and are constantly well maintained.

  4. Curious. I was just reading this morning about the first electric fire truck in the Valley of the Sun. I believe it was purchased (for 1.4 million dollars) by the city of Mesa.

  5. Yes, I enjoy seeing this old equipment. We also have a privately owned older firefighting truck that appears in parades! Incidentally, our king kalakaua was founder of the firefighting service here in Honolulu! Aloha my friend. I'm wishing you a beautiful weekend

  6. It's a very big shiny red truck, and probably horrible to drive.

  7. Cool fire truck, it is well cared for!

    Have a great weekend.
