Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Mangia Con Amore

This tiny Italian restaurant, Morellina's, is found on Christie St in the Seaton Village neighbourhood. I was looking through the window early on a Sunday morning and it looks quite lovely inside but very tiny with maybe ten tables but I'm not sure about that. I looked up their menu and it all sounds wonderfully delicious. 

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  1. ...thanks f0r the post, now I'm hungry!

  2. That sounds like a place worth trying. It looks attractive through the window.

  3. Attractive restaurant, if I was there I would definitely pay a visit. When I lived in Germany I loved going for coffee or ice cream in a small cafe we had in the village. Everything was so delicious and the people so welcoming!

  4. I like small restaurants! So intimate.

  5. We were in a small place for breakfast today. It was really good.

  6. Looks like a cute place, I love Italian food.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. Must taste marvelous. Try it and give us the result please.

  8. What a sweet little place and sentiment! Thank you, Pat! Aloha
