Thursday, March 21, 2024

Noisy Arrivals

When I was walking along the trail by the Humber river last week there were a lot of noisy Canada Geese flying around. I think they had all recently arrived back in town and were establishing territories. This noisy group landed a bit further along on the river.


  1. The arrival of geese is a sure sign of early spring. The Snow geese have already gone through here on their way north.

  2. I saw them here first a week or so ago. They'll keep coming until we have the bunch who spend the summer in the area.

  3. Canada geese can be noisy .I lovem.

  4. Great photo! They are noisy birds, I hear them flying over my house in the evening. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  5. The guardians of Rome arrive again.

  6. They were taking a gander around for a good landing spot.

  7. If they are a sign of Spring I would happily embrace the noise! :-)
    Cold weekend ahead here...
