Monday, July 7, 2014

A Lodge

During our Doors Open in May, I visited a Masonic temple where this lodge room is located. I knew little about the Masons before the visit and still don't understand what it is about but it was interesting to see behind the usually closed doors. The mural on the ceiling of the lodge room features the zodiac symbols and is there to remind members of a greater presence above them rather than any connection to astrology. The checkered floor is called the "mosaic pavement" which has specific meanings that are explained to members once they have been initiated. Everything in the room seemed to have some deeper meaning, many of them secret.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Thank you I have always wondered what lurked behind those closed doors. B

  2. I got a glimpse into a lodge once too. Strange gowns they wear?

  3. surprised they participated in the 'doors open', actually...

  4. I've always wondered as well though is it different ove in the UK. Good mural on the ceiling

  5. Oh that's interesting! I have no idea what the Mason's are all about.

  6. Interesting photo. Don't know much about the Masons as I'm not a member and they are a secret society. The room looks perfect for an astrology convention.

  7. Was invited to a lodge meeting once. One of the strangest meetings I've ever attended.

  8. I guess we'll never know the mystery of what occurs between these walls hey Pat :)

  9. The promiscuity between masonry and politics in Portugal is a scandal! If you are too ambitious on getting to the top quickly, became a mason, wear an apron and you'll be very powerful pretty soon. How can you believe in politicians from different parties 'fighting' in the parliament in the morning, when you know they'll be together as "a family" in a temple in the afternoon?! Yuck!

  10. They are quite big in France but I don't think they open for doors open... This is rather impressive!

  11. Interesting to see inside a Masonic temple.

  12. An impressive space! I believe one of these Masonic temples participated in ours, but I felt it was too far out of my way.

  13. The colors in the ceiling zodiac are wonderful. Everything else is puzzling.Sorry for the Linky problem on Monday Mural.

  14. very neat. These buildings have always intrigued me because they don't have windows.
    You're lucky to have seen the insides!

  15. I have always wondered what it looked like inside a Masonic temple. Thank you so much for sharing this interesting piece of info and wonderful images. :-))

  16. Estupendo encuadre !!
    Buen martes ;)

  17. I've never been inside one of these secret rooms.

  18. So, the masons open up their place? Surprising. I have always thought that they revel in their secret stuff.

  19. No wonder everyone looks a little bit unsure ;-)
