Sunday, August 14, 2016

For The Bees

I took this pic at the beginning of July in the gardens of Spadina House. I think it is a native rose bush but I'm not sure. Whatever it is the bees loved it and there were tens of them buzzing around from blossom to blossom. It was so good to see so many happy bees!


  1. If we haven't moved to an apartment by next year and are still in our house, I plan to research what plants to use to attract bees. This photo is lovely!

  2. Beautiful bush! It's somehow life affirming to see bees at work, isn't it?

  3. so that is where the bees hang out :) Very pretty!

  4. Gorgeous bush! And we need to whatever we can to help the bees survive ... so far as a I know, they are still threatened which is a great threat to all of us.

  5. Hello, pretty blooms, I am glad the bees are happy there.

    Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  6. With all these beautiful flowers I would be a bee !

  7. But it is very nice. I like it !!
