Saturday, October 14, 2017


Male Cardinals always make a fine subject for a pic and we are lucky that they stay here year round as they look so nice in the snow! 
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


Lowell said...

That's a great photo, Pat. The look on his face reminds me of my grandfather! :)

Andy said...

Your favourite colour RedPat?

Kate said...

I, too, am happy that our beautiful Cardinals stay behind during our sometimes-brutal Minnesota winters. They gladden my heart when I see them in sub-zero weather. Have never been successful in photographing them. Great photo!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty Cardinal. He looks like he is there for awhile. Great shot.
I appreciate your joining in with my 200th Critter party. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

Lea said...

Lovely Cardinal!
Have a wonderful week-end!

William Kendall said...

Wonderfully colourful!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Amazing colour Pat, they will look brilliant when you catch them against the white snow ☺

A Colorful World said...

He's a lovely guy!

Sharon said...

They are such beautiful birds! We don't have a lot down here but I do see them every now and then.

Cloudia said...

Good capture, Pat!

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice catch.

Revrunner said...

Snow? It is supposed to turn cooler here next week. But, still, tomorrow we're expecting temps in the 80s.

Bill said...

A beautiful and colourful bird. Nice capture, Pat.

C J said...

I wonder if he was attracted to that lovely red background. perfect match!!! Thanks for posting!

Tom said... is a flashy color.

Catalyst said...

Great photo.

Adam said...

they are the prettiest birds I ever get to see

Joyful said...


Bob Crowe said...

That's a zinger. All you need is a maple leaf.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Nice pic of the cardinal. I love seeing them in the snow too. They are so beautiful next to the white snow.

Anu said...

Hello! Great photo! Awesome bird!

Lois said...

Lovely photo! I have them year round in my yard too.

Jack said...

Lovely, RedPat. Cardinals are very common, but I don't think I have ever shown one on my own blog. Same for robins. Weird.

Karl said...

A lovely picture, Pat !

betty-NZ said...

How fabulous to have them around during the winter, they are so bright and beautiful to see.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Lovely picture and definitely your color!! We used to get Christmas cards with cardinals in the snow -- but didn't see the real thing until we started traveling. There aren't any in the Pacific Northwest. They still seem exotic to me.

21 Wits said...

Hello sweet Red! Charmed to see you!