Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Club House

This is the Ward's Island Association Club House which is located close to the ferry dock and can be rented for occasions such as weddings. The association was formed in 1913 but this clubhouse was not built until the winter of 1937-38. It is such a pleasant colour don't you think? 
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  1. ...Ward Island should be on my to see list.

  2. An attractive building in a beautiful shade of blue; you photographed it and its immediate surroundings very well. Quite pleasing!

  3. It's a very petty color and it has that "island cottage" look about it.

  4. Blue is my favorite color. Looks great with the red door, too!

  5. It is a nice colour, with the white shutters and the red door! Lovely!

  6. Thanks for sharing Toronto's 💓 beyond the CN Tower

  7. It is a cute place, I love the blue color. Have a great day!

  8. Blue was the right choice of colour.

  9. Very attractive building. Blue and white are a great combo and throw in a red door and you have the perfect looking place.

  10. The colours work well together Pat, as does the splash of red on the door!

  11. Almost stepping back in time...
    Thanks for the photo tour Pat!

  12. It's funny you mention the colour because I was just thinking, this is one of my favorite shades of blue! I would enjoy it on my own cottage, if of course I was lucky enough to have one.
