Sunday, September 23, 2018

Inside A Church

It is always a thrill to find the doors of a church open during the day and last weekend during our Open Streets event the Church Of The Redeemer at Bloor St and Avenue Rd was open. I have shown you the exterior a few years ago HERE and HERE but have never been inside. Built in 1879, the church has been extensively renovated and it was wonderful to see that marvelous hammerbeam roof and the interesting configuration of the interior. During the Open Streets a large section of Bloor St and Yonge St were closed to traffic for a few hours on Sunday so that you could wander down the middle of the street.


  1. Hello,

    Pretty church, the interior is lovely. It is nice that they close the streets and open them to the pedestrians. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

  2. That is a lovely church, a perfect photo for a Sunday morning.

  3. Whenever I hear about events like this I'm a bit jealous. I wish we had something similar here. This is such a pretty church. It's well worth a visit inside.

  4. A beautiful church with a lovey interior.

  5. The interior seems different from what I'd expect from the outside. It seems very open and expensive. Beautiful all around.

  6. Beautiful!
    Have a wonderful week!

  7. The ceiling is stunning Pat, as are the arched stained glass window.. how lucky we are to get a peek inside ✨

  8. Open Streets is a wonderful concept. And the Church is beautiful.

  9. Quite lovely, thanks for bringing us inside.

  10. Nice. It always seems un-church-ly that churches are so often locked up tight during the week.
