Saturday, March 28, 2020

A House For The Birds

This house is for the birds but rather than a place to live it is a place to eat, maybe more of a cafe than a house. This Cardinal was certainly enjoying a snack.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. The birds in T.O. are living a good life!

  2. ...but do the squirrels like it too?

  3. Hello,

    That is a pretty bird feeder, the Cardinal looks right at home.
    Take care and stay well! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, happy weekend! PS, thanks for the visit and comment.

  4. Great looking bird feeder, and beautiful Cardinal.

  5. Not only a great looking feeder, but you also caught one of my favorite birds. We have a cardinal pair that lives in your back yard, and I see they are back this spring.

  6. That's a very inviting cafe. I'd be tempted to stop in myself.

  7. A very elegant cafe Pat :) Gorgeous vibrant cafe patron :)

  8. The Cardinal came to pick up its take-out item.
    I love the feeder, it's unique.

  9. Thats a great looking house! Gosh I wish to see Cardnials in real life ...

  10. What a beautiful house! Now my birds are going to want one! Stay safe and healthy!

  11. Now that is a pretty bird house! I have to go around and rehang mine, as we had recently strong winds and a few got blown down!

  12. That's a nice one. The swallows are back and checking out the houses we have on offer. Bird life is starting to pick up again even if people are more scarce.

  13. Very cute! Hubby got me two, too, despite we have no place to put them!

  14. A very elegant bird house, Pat :)

  15. I sure wish the condo where we are staying had a spot for a bird feeder, even a small one. - Margy
