Saturday, May 9, 2020

Cute Family

I was out wandering around the pond in Wychwood Park and spotted this cute Canada Goose family. Someone had put a sign up telling how the whole family had been up and out along the very busy St Clair Ave the week before and they had been captured and brought the couple of blocks south down to the park. They all look healthy and happy now - there were the four babies up front and there were two more behind the goose on the left. While I was there a Red-tailed Hawk was up above them in a tree watching them but the parents were very vigilant.   
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Reminds me of me when I was baby. I was also cute. ;-)

  2. Hello,

    I hope the goose family stays safe, off the road and away from the Hawk! The Goslings are adorable. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend.

  3. That is a much better spot than a parking lot or a busy street.

  4. ...this cuteness is everywhere here, thanks for sharing them with us!

  5. Well, I sure hope they're happy with their new digs. I don't know, maybe they were urban geese and like the busy streets. :-)

  6. What a cute family. Great capture, Pat.

  7. What a wonderful post to see! I really appreciate your sharing it

  8. They are so cute! Hard to believe they will grow up to be Canada geese! What fun to see!

  9. How cute is that?! Thanks for the smile.

  10. What a cuties and in a much better environment for them.

  11. Beautiful!
    Have a blessed day!

  12. What a lovely family shot Pat, super reflections in the water too. It certainly is a tough world out there for baby creatures, so many dangers ✨
