Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Batter Up!

There is nothing like sitting on the grass on a hill on a warm day watching a baseball game below. Even neighbourhood dogs enjoy it as you can see on the left of my pic. I think it was a match between 2 schools but I didn't have time to stay around and find out. The pitcher picked the runner off 2nd base shortly after this shot.


Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Anvilcloud said...

Although I haven't followed baseball for some time now, there is something about a ball game, especially under the lights. But daytime is good too.

Bill said...

Maybe the dog came for a hot dog, they are popular you know at baseball games. :)
I used to go to Boston Red Sox games with my grandmother. She loved the game and even kept score on her scorecard.

Debbie said...

i LOVE this...i could watch a game often and never grow tired of it!!

Jenn Jilks said...

I used to play softball. This takes me back.

roentare said...

Australia is not into baseball. I love it when I used to live in Taiwan

Cloudia said...

The way to pass a summer afternoon

William Kendall said...

I pass by a ball diamond some days.

Andrew said...

With a good book.

Iris Flavia said...

Not popular in Germany, this game. I only "know" it from The Simpsons...

eileeninmd said...

Those doggies are hoping to catch one of the balls.
Take care, have a great day!