Friday, August 16, 2024



This is the central staircase in the Raymond Moriyama designed Bata Shoe Museum. That 42 ft tall window faces south and lights the whole central part of the building. The window was done by artist Lutz Haufschild using painted, bevelled and laminated glass.


s.c said...

This just proves that you can do a lot more with glass than you think.

Taken For Granted said...

That is an amazing window that must produce considerable solar heating as well as light.

eileeninmd said...

The staircase is cool, great photo! Take care, have a great weekend.

Anvilcloud said...

I taught with a Haufschild, but I don't think they're related : not closely anyway.

Sharon said...

Such a beautiful interior. All that glass is very attractive.

Bill said...

Very impressive window and glass.

William Kendall said...


roentare said...

That spiral staircase is any photographer's dream

Revrunner said...

Great place to get your cardio workout! :-)

Cloudia said...

I dig that space a lot! I'd love to play my flute in there