Sunday, September 1, 2013

Written In Pink

This coat of arms is found over the rear doors of the Ontario Legislative building in Queen's Park and shows the motto of our province written in Latin. The translation is "Loyal she began, loyal she remains" which apparently refers to the large number of British Loyalists who moved north to Canada during the American Revolution. The Queen's Park building is a gorgeous structure of pink sandstone with loads of carvings.
Taking part in the City Daily Photo Blogs theme day which for September is "Pink". Click here to see more pink pics.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh the pink sandstone is beautiful Pat, perfect shot for today..looks even better when you pull it in to enjoy the details.

Sharon said...

First, that is one fantastic building, second; I can't believe you actually found a pink building. I actually drove around town looking for a pink building but, nothing.

Lynette said...

Architectural details and pink--what a perfect post!

TexWisGirl said...

wow - very unique pink!

wilf said...

Gorgeous building, love this shade of pink!

Gerald (SK14) said...

unusual colour for a building - almost shocking

Anonymous said...

Another wonderfully intricate looking doorway, beautiful colours too!

Jack said...

RedPat, this sandstone building and carvings are simply fabulous. I love this style. There are several here in Hartford that have similar carvings. You motivate me to get out and photograph them.

VP said...

I always like an ornate building, better with a Latin motto, and this is also the perfect color for our theme day.

Deb said...

Lovely looking building, and thanks for the translation and explanation too.

William Kendall said...

I wondered if that would be your choice for the theme! Terrific shot!


That is smashing architecture and a smashing image. Love the subtle pink:) said...

So often forget how much of our border has amazing places where British Loyalists dug in their heels and created wonderful communities.

Lúcia said...

It's amazing how you keep finding interesting things to show us!
I cant believe we are not meeting up this time... :(
but I'm sure we will have many opportunities. ;-)

hamilton said...

Great choice - I would not have thought of this for pink!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Those carvings are so intricate and a wonderful piece of history too.

Randy said...

Beautiful color and architecture.

Small City Scenes said...

Perfect!! Great old building with a neat color. MB

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Wow, pink sandstone! Where in the world is this quarried in Canada?

Linda said...

Beautifully ornate carving - it does pay to look up from street level.
Talking of loyalty - I was interested to see in my daughter's Canadian visa a reference to her being from 'the UK & C'. I puzzled about the 'C' until I realised it probably stands for 'Commonwealth'. 'UK & C' isn't a description used in the UK itself - strange.

Unknown said...

Absolutely gorgeous!

Birdman said...

Kinda cool stone.

EG CameraGirl said...

This is a handsome structure and I very much like the pink sandstone, which is much nicer than the "Barbie" pink I posted. ;))

Tanya Breese said...

oh that is gorgeous...what detail!

Chrissy Brand said...

A nice subtle pink!