Monday, October 21, 2013

Students Through The Ages

It was hard to shoot this mural which I found in the Weston neighbourhood of Toronto since it is done as a triptych on a stepped wall along the main street. The panels show school children from 3 different eras and are meant to "celebrate the heritage and multi-cultural development of the Weston community".  It was sponsored by various community groups with several different artists involved.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.

The November 1 theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is "Heights."


Lowell said...

I love this one! So creative and very significant. A wonderful addition to your Toronto!

Sharon said...

I like that staggered effect.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I think you shot it the right way Pat, it's good to see it all in the same frame to see the changes.

Karen said...

It's great, I like how it is staggered.

don said...

You managed the triptych very well to produce this image. Very well done.

EG CameraGirl said...

I like projects that are part of a community effort. I can see it would be a challenge to get all three into one photo...but you DID it!

TexWisGirl said...

how cool! i like this!

Jackie McGuinness said...

You got a great shot of it for us!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Dam that is cool

hamilton said...

It is interesting to see the change from a predominantly white neighbourhood to one of diversity. (in dress and race!)

Anonymous said...

I would not have caught the three different time periods had you not mentioned it. I don't want to think what the next panel may look like. Thanks for visiting my mules.

Randy said...

Nice mural.

Laura. M said...

Pat. It is so real that it seems that people really walk :))