Friday, August 8, 2014


I spotted this guy waiting patiently outside the Dutch Dreams ice cream parlour which has been a fixture in Toronto for over 30 years. The line-ups often are really long but it was early in the day when I went by so he won't have too long a wait. I hope they got him some ice cream and not a coffee!


Lowell said...

Sweet place and sweet dog. Love the sign and those old milk cans. What a blast from the past! I guess Torontoians eat a lot of ice cream?

Louisette said...

Colored place, lovely dog,greeting from Belgium

Marleen said...

Dutch Dreams.. You have made me curious about the place!

Anonymous said...

I see they had to chain down the car hop so she wouldn't "skate away". I like the multicolored milk cans. Oh, I think I spied a chain through them also. At least the pooch is free to roam.

TexWisGirl said...


Mike@Bit About Britain said...

My eyes a going - didn't realise you meant the dog at first... That's a wonderful shop front though! Very retro.

Mo said...

He was clearly chatting to the dame

Kitty said...

ha. He looks rather patient.
Hope you're doing well, RedPat!

cieldequimper said...

Ah, he looks like he's enjoying posing for you next to his new friend! Love it!

Sharon said...

I'm with you. I hope he got some ice cream for being such a good dog.

orvokki said...

Wonderful colorful image. I like a lot.

Laura. M said...

Very patient deserves an ice cream;))
Thanks Pat. I'm getting better!!
Good weekend.

Andy said...

The busty babe on the roller skates brought back an instant flashback to the days when I used to go to the A&W and have my order delivered to my car on a tray by one of these chicks. Just saying. :)

William Kendall said...

The hound looks stoic!

Randy said...

What a great shot. This would be a good one for New Years best of.

Stephanie said...

Cute one!

Jack said...

Why, RedPat, you modeled for this display!

(Sorry I have not visited for a few days . . . internet and time are sparse . . . )

VioletSky said...

Oh, this is wonderful - where did they move? The last time I drove past, about 6 weeks ago, it was closed.
I used to live a block away from there - yes long lines!

Anonymous said...

That's a dogged looking dog, hope he was rewarded for his patience and good behaviour!

EG CameraGirl said...

I bet the ice cream is tasty there!

Halcyon said...

I love their homemade cones!!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

If there's one thing Beagles love it's ice cream.. i know that for a fact :) hope this old sweetie gets his reward for being so patient Pat :)