Saturday, June 13, 2015


I found this piece in the entrance courtyard of the new Four Seasons Hotel in the Yorkville neighbourhood and at first glance I thought it was a fountain but it isn't. Then I thought it might be a type of planter but it isn't that either. It must be art. But it reminds me of a tiered pastry serving dish and I can't get that out of my mind. It is really tall as you can see from the pic - would hold a lot of pastry!


Revrunner said...

Maybe it's been put there before a MAJOR party. :-)

Lowell said...

My guess would be the tiered pastry serving dish. It certainly goes get one's attention. You could bake a big cake and put it up on that first tier! :))

VP said...

I think Lowell is right about this...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I thought the same as you Pat, a fountain! I'm guessing the tiered cake stand is the go and I like it very much :)

Anonymous said...

It is neat looking but seems out of place.

Sharon said...

That's exactly what I think it looks like too! Very interesting.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, they definitely need to add some water or cupcakes. :)

Gosia said...

Maybe it was a lamp /

William Kendall said...

Let's just agree it's a sculpture. It stands out well!

21 Wits said...

I completely enjoy seeing objects of art like this. It's even more incredible to stop and admire such a piece and have others give their thoughts as well. Art that works, well beyond the artist's touch!

cieldequimper said...

I want that. I'd make a fountain of it. :-)

Stephanie said...

Interesting piece but must say it looks out of place.

Cloudia said...

Very good! And perfect second to snap!

ALOHA from Honolulu,

Unknown said...

I do like the idea of a lot of cakes but I have to say it's perfect for a fountain...

Birdman said...

What is it? A wanta be fountain?

hamilton said...

Maybe it will suddenly spout water on a really hot, humid summer's day?

Jack said...

It would also work as a candy tray.

Randy said...

A cupcake holder maybe?

Anonymous said...

It's h u g e, and the perfect colour!

Laura. M said...

Pat, I have a bowl like this sculpture. fruit is placed on floors :))
Good Sunday.

EG CameraGirl said...

Well it certainly has captured the imagination of a few of your readers, RedPat! ;)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I think chocolate candy on the top tier. And a ladder to reach it ))))

Karl said...

Ha, was this used for a wedding?

Halcyon said...

Funny find! But I do like the color.

Unknown said...

I also thought it was a fountain...