Wednesday, August 26, 2015

2,000th Post!

It's hard to believe but this is the 2,000th post for Occasional Toronto - obviously more than occasional.  For the occasion I present a beautiful version of the Canadian Coat of Arms that I found in the walkway of the Air Canada Centre (ACC) where our beloved Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team plays. The ACC is on the site of the former Toronto Postal Delivery Building and although 2 facades of the building with their art were retained and restored this coat of arms was on a side that disappeared. It and a few other lovely pieces are now displayed in the Centre. The motto, 'Ad Mari Usque Ad Mare', translates as 'From Sea To Sea'. This is a lovely detailed version of the coat of arms!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


Blogoratti said...

Congratulations on your achievement!

Andy said...

Congratulations! A lot of camera clicks involved.

The Furry Gnome said...

Congrats on all the effort of getting pix for 2000 posts! I enjoy it every day. So many rural Ontarians lived in Toronto for at least a short period in their lives, even though we all complain about it now!

Karl said...

Hi Pat, congratulations for your 2,000th Post, I have only 1930 :)
The Canadian Coat of Arms is beautiful !

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Well done, magnificent achievement reaching 2000 posts I'm not on 800 yet. Great coat of arms you photographed

EG CameraGirl said...

I very much like the details in this coat of arms! Congrats on having posted 2,000 times!

Birdman said...


Sharon said...

Congratulations on this milestone! Great job! I love the coat of arms too!

Anonymous said...

A fine Coat of Arms and a fine achievement, well done!

William Kendall said...

Bravo to you!

I wonder if there was more than one- there's an item at the Museum of History here that looks just like this, and I think it was from the old postal station.

Revrunner said...

Congrats on making it to the 2K mark. :-)

Gosia said...

well done. Congrats

Marleen said...

The details are stunning!
Congratulations with this milestone :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

Stunning detail in this beautiful icon. And congrats on your on a great achievement.

cieldequimper said...

Yes it's a lovely coat of arms and a lovely motto too! Congratulations!

Taken For Granted said...

Congratulations on your 2000th post. That's quite a milestone. Lovely coat of arms.

Anonymous said...

Okay, you made me look. You have me by 239 posts. Well done!

Tom said...

Congratulations, keep them coming. Tom The Backroads Traveller

Anonymous said...

Well done on so many posts! That's a great Coat of Arms!

TexWisGirl said...

congrats and keep on keepin' on!

Unknown said...

Wow congratulations! Keep up the fantastic work...I only hope I have the stamina...

21 Wits said...

Certainly not occasional by any means with that many posts. Bravo, and keep posting, as I am a happy fan of your blog!

Jack said...

Hey, RedPat! Congratulations! I appreciate how hard it is to keep these blogs going. Yours is one of those I most like to visit. Keep it up.

Stephanie said...

Congrats on the 2,000 posts!

Photo Cache said...

Congratulations on your milestone.


Mo said...

Congratulations on reaching 2000. look forward to next 2000

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Congratulations on your 2000th post!!

Nonnie said...

congrats for more than an occasional post! the the Canadian coat of arms is gorgeous.

VP said...

Congratulations! Great coat of arms: A mari usque ad mare sound almost familiar here!

Jackie McGuinness said...

Amazing feat!

Lesley said...

Congratulations! You have had great determination and skill in finding things to photograph.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

HUGE congratulations Pat, not just 2000 posts 2000 fabulous posts!

Halcyon said...

The perfect sign to celebrate! Congratulations. 2000 posts is a real achievement.

Laura. M said...

Great shield and very good approach, Pat !!