Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Film Shoot


Even on a Sunday morning you can find people setting up for a film shoot. Toronto is one of the largest sites for film production in North America so it is not unusual to find streets closed off for a shoot. This shoot was taking place in one of the large old homes in the Annex neighbourhood near the university.


Bill said...

Hope the film is a good one.

Sharon said...

Your beautiful blog is proof that Toronto is a perfect place for filming. So much beauty and great architecture.

Taken For Granted said...

Watching films being made shows how slow this process is. No wonder films cost millions to produce. Alway fun to see the action behind the movie scene.

Cloudia said...

Recently, NCIS, Hawaii, and the Magnum reboot have both canceled. I will miss seeing them film in my neighborhood. And it was always a real pleasure to see them chasing bad guys where I walk everyday. Thanks for sharing. Pat, have a wonderful day Pat, have a wonderful day

Cloudia said...

In fact, take the entire week!

Michelle said...

Interesting to have this happening in your city.

Andrew said...

A street behind me is often used for film shoots but they don't make the sort of films or tv shows that I would watch.

Anvilcloud said...

They have recently been filming in our area too.

Katerinas Blog said...

Toronto is a very interesting place for this and there are movie sets!
Maybe they choose Sundays because they have less traffic!

Iris Flavia said...

How very cool is that!!!

William Kendall said...

There are occasional film shoots here too.