Sunday, May 8, 2011

"The Endless Bench"

This sculpture by artist Lea Vivot was installed in front of the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children on University Ave in 1984 and was donated to the hospital in memory of the artist's son. The bench is engraved with 476 messages of love, hope and inspiration and seems to be quite suitable for Mother's Day!
I am off to visit my mother - enjoy the day!


Lúcia said...

This sculpture has many beautiful moments, the messages engraved on it were a very good idea. :)

Unknown said...

Definitely quite suitable. Wonderful!

Regina K said...

Have a good day with your mother, wonderful bench.

Jack said...

A nice way to remember the artist's son. I hope your mother and you enjoyed the day.

Randy said...

Very nice tribute.

Tash said...

The best Mother's day post! Well done.

EG CameraGirl said...

Perfect for Mothers' Day!

Babzy.B said...

beautiful sculpture !