I am sure that 95% of my pics have been taken west of Yonge St (our main street) but this week I was east of Yonge in the Riverdale area of downtown and caught this hazy view of the financial core with part of the Don Valley ravine in the forefront. Toronto is intersected by a network of deep ravines that form a large urban forest running through the downtown and suburbs and are a defining feature of the city. Most of the ravines are undeveloped but many have trails going through them and some have recreational facilities such as this one. This sky shows the weather we have been having lately!
I hope that Blogger is working on the follower and comment problems!
Toronto is a very beautiful city, even in a cloudy day. ;-)
Have a good weekend!
That is a beautiful skyline!
It is quite large, and since I know next to nothing about Toronto, I'll have to google it to find out. Thanks for the inspiration.
Toronto looks very lush! The green strips and parks and all those lovely pieces of art you share here are all indicators of a lovely sprawling city.
Well I didn't know that about the ravines. It's always interesting to think of what the landscape looked like before the city was built.
great shot of the city thanks
Nice shot!
I think we are lucky that Toronto still has so much green space. :)
You've got to love a city with green space! Crucial to make it "liveable", I think:-)
A much loved view from my shoulder of the valley!
Beautiful skyline!
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