Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Simple Church

I took this pic of the Ukrainian Baptist Church, located just off Queen St W, in February when we still had lots of snow. It was the stripped down plainness that caught my eye and after a bit of googling I found a pic of it taken in 1957 (click here to see it) so it originally had many more details when it was built in 1897. Once again, it was locked so we will have to guess at the interior but probably there were upkeep problems that caused them to change the exterior features so much.
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click here for more religious buildings.


Halcyon said...

It's too bad the details are gone, but I still like the simplicity.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I think it looks better today Pat, not so fussy and definitely cleaner that's for sure.

TexWisGirl said...

rather austere, but i like it!!!

Anonymous said...

Why does it look so plain now from before?

Sharon said...

Interesting changes to this building. It's funny but, I like both versions.

Sally in WA said...

Very interesting to see the old and the current. Thanks for sharing in InSPIREd Sunday.

Tom said...

Oh my! Somethings don't get better with age.
Tom The Backroads Traveller

Unknown said...

Almost identical angle! :-)

Lowell said...

From Memorial Baptist to Ukrainian Baptist. Interesting. Did you have an influx of Ukrainians between 1947 and now? Looks like it needs a bit of TLC.

P.S. I didn't even know there were Baptists in the Ukraine! :)

cieldequimper said...

Perhaps it would look better if the original brickwork was freed?

Luis Gomez said...

It is still nice.

betty-NZ said...

I would love to know the history to find out what has happened to it over the years. But, on the bright side, it's still standing!

William Kendall said...

It's still nice... a bit austere, but nice.

Lowell said...

Thanks, Pat, for complimenting me on my pitcher. Oh, wait, you were talking about the pitcher, not the picture! Down south here, y'all gotta unnerstand thet some folks say "I like yer pitcher," when they really mean, "I like your picture." Heh, heh.

Have a great week!

Randy said...

It looks a little cold.

Anonymous said...

Simple indeed, but quite elegant!

EG CameraGirl said...

It really is quite different now from when it was first built. It still has an Eastern European flavour, I think.

Jack said...

It is too bad. But, the upkeep might have become too expensive for a small church.

BTW, I imagine that one reason you drive straight through and I meander is that you need to be back by a specific time and I have all the time in the world. Retirement rocks.

Laura. M said...

I like this building!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

interesting find. sorry for the late comment. i've been out of town. take care. ( :