Monday, May 26, 2014

Yet Another Islington Mural

Another of the Islington neighbourhood murals by artist John Kuna, this one was done in 2009 and is titled "Faith of Our Fathers 2" since it replaces the first mural of that name. It shows some of the history of the Islington United Church from the days of ministers travelling around to small hamlets by horseback to the construction of the first church on Dundas St W.  The congregation outgrew this location and moved around the corner and the original is now a pub.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


Sharon said...

There is a lot of detail in this mural.

Andy said...

Beautiful! So many colours and so much detail.

LĂșcia said...

I wish I could paint...
Did you know that there's an Islington neighbourhood very close to Hackney? ;-)

Lowell said...

This is really quite incredible. It would be incredible in a museum but on a wall? Fantastic. Love the photo of the construction and all the people and the colorful costumes.

Anonymous said...

That is truly a work of art!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, my! so much detail!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Brilliant piece Pat.. So this is now a pub is that right?

Karen said...

That's amazing, the detail is fabulous!

Taken For Granted said...

Finely done mural. It adds a great deal to the neighborhood.

Luis Gomez said...

Absolutely beautiful!. What a great work.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful mural!

Visiting from Monday Mural.

~Lindy @

Cloudia said...

Wonderful! And one loves a church leaving a pub.......


cieldequimper said...

That's a lovely way to remember that particular slice of local history!

Halcyon said...

Love this one. And glad it is still pristine!

William Kendall said...

That is amazing!

Randy said...

I wonder how much time was put into that one. It's amazing.

Jack said...

Wow! This one is a beauty. You have shown Kuna murals before. He does excellent work.

Joe said...

I love this. A truly inspirational mural. I think its the perspective and the proportions which impress me the most. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

That's spectacular!

The Greenockian said...

Fabulous - love the colours.

Laura. M said...

Wow .... Great, Pat. It's beautiful!

EG CameraGirl said...

I love the details!

Lois said...

Lovely! So much detail.

Unknown said...

What a great work. Fantastic!

Small City Scenes said...

that is quite a huge undertaking. Very beautiful. MB

Unknown said...

I love the murals. This is s e n s a t i o n a l!