Saturday, December 13, 2014

What A Bird

A very sturdy looking bird, this Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was spotted close to Lake Ontario. I'll show you tomorrow exactly where he was.


Andy said...

Real. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

HOW COOL! This is a wonderful photo, RedPat. And I'm very jealous as I have not seen a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker this year.

EG CameraGirl said...

I just looked at it more closely. Hmmm. Is this a trick???? :)))

Birdman said...

Suckers love my suet!

Stefan Jansson said...

What a great photo of the woodpecker.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh my gosh what an incredible looking bird Pat, the colours and pattern of his feathers is quite fabulous! Beautifully shown here.

Revrunner said...

Looks like "sturdy bird" is attacking a smoke stack.

TexWisGirl said...

love him! want him! :) unless he's like 6 feet long.

The Furry Gnome said...

That is one very interesting bird!

Lowell said...

This is a beautiful photo, Pat, but I'm thinking you are trying to fool us ... upon closer inspection it looks too good to be true ... maybe made out of wood? :)

Gosia said...

it doesn't live at my place

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...something's fishy.

Sharon said...

What a gorgeous bird and your photo of him is fantastic.

Laura. M said... muy grande!!!

William Kendall said...

I'm with Lowell on this one... I'm not sure that's the real McCoy!

cieldequimper said...

Lol, I have doubts too. Looks wooden rather than woody to me!

Stephanie said...

Nice colors and patterns. Though it does not look real.

Jack said...

I'm going with a very well done sculpture, you tricky lady, you!

No snow when I was in Columbus, fortunately, though it was pretty darned cold.

Cloudia said...

I bet it is really huge!

ALOHA from Honolulu

Randy said...

It doesn't look real.

Anonymous said...

Real or not, it's very colourful!