Saturday, January 16, 2016

Lots Of Food On A Cold Day

The vet's centre at Sunnybrook is in a well treed area and they have a lot of bird feeders out and it is amazing to see the variety of birds they attract in the middle of the city. This one feeder was taken over by these sweet Ruby-Crowned Kinglets ( I think).  They may be Goldfinches in winter coats. Any birders out there may correct me on that ID!


genie said...

Loved seeing the little Goldfinches. Buddy has put out lots of food and the socks so we are hoping. The woodies are already back. Now all we need is a good snow and I will be able to get some good pictures. The yellow on the feeder really pops against the stark leafless tree. Have a nice weekend.

The Furry Gnome said...

Look like Goldfinch to me too. They change their colour so much over the year.

Lowell said...

I can't correct you 'cuz I don't know a lot of birds. People have said I was "for" the birds but I'm not sure what they meant...I like these feeders. Hope they are squirrel proof!

VP said...

Good for the little guys!

Anonymous said...

I have the same guys at my feeder and was told goldfinches.

Sharon said...

I'm not very good at identifying birds but, they are cute little guys enjoying a winter snack.

Karl said...

Oh, looks cold !

William Kendall said...

They are pretty little birds!

Christine said...

Glad to see they have lots of food! Sweet little birds!

Gosia said...

where is thwe snow

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh what a pretty sight indeed on a cold snowy day. B

cieldequimper said...

Good restaurant!! :-)

TexWisGirl said...

goldfinches! :)

Revrunner said...

Yep, goldfinches. :-)

Cloudia said...

How good to see them fed in winter! <3

Stephanie said...

Love seeing these Goldfinches!

Blogoratti said...

Really lovely seeing these birds with their ways and flamboyance.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love these little beauties Pat.. I find it easy to capture the bigger galahs, correllos and cockatoos but the smaller birds are so fast and tricky.

EG CameraGirl said...

Yep, goldfinches get pretty dark during the winter months...and they love sunflower seeds.

Jack said...

They are called "cute little birds."

(If they aren't herons or pelicans, I can't identify them.)

Halcyon said...

Whatever they are, they look happy!

Laura. M said...

They never have problems of food :))