Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Espresso Anyone?


This unusual building on Davenport Rd houses a company that imports and services high-end espresso machines. The building looks to me like the type that would have been a gas station when it first opened.  It could use a bit of work.

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Tom said...

...I'll pass on the espresso, but I like the building.

Sharon said...

What an interesting building. You are right, it could use a bit of TLC.

Stefan Jansson said...

No thanks, but a normal cup of coffee works for me! Nice old architecture.

Iris Flavia said...

Cool building, they really should take better care of it!

Cloudia said...

Yes an old gas station! I love buildings with round corners. Thank you Pat Aloha

roentare said...

Art deco facade does it for me

Michelle said...

A cool, old building. Needs a little TLC.

Andrew said...

Elements of art deco, and yes. It does need some TLC.

magiceye said...

It 's in the shape of an espresso machine!

Anvilcloud said...

Having never had an espresso or not more than two, that seems like a limited market to draw from for a business. Cool pic though.

William Kendall said...

I like the architecture.

Laura. M said...

Si que a veces apetece una paradita y un café.
Un abrazo.