Thursday, May 23, 2024



One of my favourite sights in spring is Redbud trees which become covered in small pink flowers all along their branches. We never saw them here when I was a kid but now with the temperatures not quite so cold in winter there are a lot of them in the city. I was walking along in a laneway when I saw this one in someone's back garden.


Anvilcloud said...

I'm not sure if we have them here in the OV.

Sharon said...

What a gorgeous tree. I love it when trees are blooming but we don't have anything that blooms in such a beautiful color.

Taken For Granted said...

I first saw Redbud trees when we lived in Iowa. They are stunning when in bloom.

Iris Flavia said...

Very beautiful, I love them, too.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

So beautiful!

roentare said...

That is a beautiful tree

Debbie said...

i see these trees in my area all the time and they are one of my favorite trees. i never understood why them called the red buds until i looked at the tree up close. i also believe that the little flowers are "purple" and you will never convince me otherwise!! hehehehe

this is a beautiful picture!!

Tom said... warming is changing the plants that we enjoy now.

Revrunner said...

One of my favorite signs of spring.

Andrew said...

It's pretty and I don't think we have that tree here, unless we call it by a different name.

Cloudia said...

When the trees decide it is time they thrill my heart! Thanks for sharing this. Uplifting phenomena in your photo. Aloha!

William Kendall said...

They are lovely.

s.c said...

Wow what a beautiful abundance of pink.

eileeninmd said...

They are beautiful and one of my favorite trees.
Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.