Sunday, September 1, 2024

September Theme: Bridges


The September Theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Bridges and I chose this pic which I took very recently. What we have here is a bridge too low or a truck too tall. This truck attempted to go under this old bridge which carries a railway line and being too tall the top of the truck was peeled back like a can of sardines. You can see all the metal bunched up on the top of the truck after the driver backed out from under the bridge. Quite a mess!

Taking part in the theme Bridges. Click HERE to see more bridges from around the world.


Andrew said...

It happens here too. While amusing and at times injurious, they are fun clips to watch the stupidity of truck and van drivers.

Taken For Granted said...

That truck driver did not know how tall his truck was. This was a major failure on his part. That low bridge is clearly marked.

Sharon said...

Wow, I haven't seen anyone do that in a very, very long time. You were lucky to catch this when it happened.

Stefan Jansson said...

At least three such incidents in Stockholm at the same tunnel. Driving in and getting stuck. Drivers having a hard time reading the big signs.

Bill said...

I haven't seen something like that in years. Great catch.

Jenn Jilks said...

That looks tricky!

Lea said...

Lucky he could back out!

Cloudia said...


roentare said...

We have a bridge similar to this in Melbourne. Accident prone

DB Stewart said...

I just returned from my first trip to beautiful Toronto using a rental car and yikes, the things I witnessed and experienced. Not this, but wow.

s.c said...

Yes the curses of modern times multiplied by the stupidity of people.

eileeninmd said...

Great photo! I have to wonder about the truck drivers, what were they thinking! Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Anvilcloud said...

Caution desperately required.

William Kendall said...

That driver is an idiot.