Monday, February 27, 2012

Elephant Mural

I was driving around doing errands when I passed this fabulous mural of elephants in a fairly industrial part of town so of course I made a quick U-turn and here it is! It was painted by Viviana Astudillo and Logan Miller who work as part of the Loft graffiti/mural program that I have shown you before. Wonderful!
Taking part in Monday Murals. For more murals click here.


LĂșcia said...

What a stunning work!
The beautiful elephants look very real! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Awesome Red Pat!

Stefan Jansson said...


EG CameraGirl said...

Looks like the workmanship on this mural is excellent.

Halcyon said...

I really like this one. Elephants are so cool and these are so lifelike.

Deb said...

Great picture, I can almost hear the elephants thundering through the wall!

Shaun said...

fab image, and i dont think it would have the same effect if that bright blue industrial bin was not there.
Excellent mural though.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! probably the best mural by far. It makes you wonder why an artist with such talent would do so on a wall that in time will be destroyed by the elements or idiots. Thanks for sharing that one.

My name is Riet said...

That is beautiful. Wow, I love it said...

They are absolutely gorgeous. It's a shame they aren't strong enough to shove the dumpster out of the way!

Regina K said...

Oh those elephants look so real running on this mural. I love elephants.

VioletSky said...

So Toronto will still have elephants, afterall?!!

Paul in Powell River said...

Wow! That's one evn Banksy can't match! Too bad the dumpster's there, though it does provide scale.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Incredible realism in this mural. She has a very sympathetic eye for these giant animals. I always wonder why a specific subject is selected for this specific spot. Thanks for letting us know the artists' names. And thank you for participating in this week's Monday Mural.

Jack said...

It is a very well painted mural, RedPat. The blue bin looks terrible there.

Michael Rowland said...

Looks like they are heading to the dumpster for dinner,,,

CaT said...

wow, that is amazing....
how beautiful!
just curious if the dumpster was always there, somehow it makes the mural look even better, in my weird opinion

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Fantastic mural Red, the closest elephant there looks like he's about to step out into the road!!

Andy said...

If this mural were on canvas I'm sure it would sell pretty fast. To my eyes it's a piece of art.

Chrissy Brand said...

A brilliant piece of art: nice to see some realism in street art for a change.

Chrissy from Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave

Anonymous said...

Extremely realistic... someone needs to tell Super Save to relocate their receptacle though!

Louis la Vache said...

Fantastic rendering!

Sharon said...


Unknown said...

Fantastic! It almost looks like a photo taken on the dry season.

Sandy said...

Wow they did a good job on this mural - really neat! =)Nice shot.

Lowell said...

Got to embiggen this to get the full effect, but the art work is extraordinary!

Re your comment about our golf cart...please see today's post (later today)... :-)

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Beautiful, Pat!