Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Photographer

I had just climbed up the stairs leading to Casa Loma (110 of them!) when I happened upon this fellow with a tripod set up and he was attaching his large format camera to it. I presume he was after a pic of the CN Tower through the branches but things didn't seem to be going well so I didn't disturb him!


Luis Gomez said...

Nice shot of a shot!

cath carbone said...

joli post !

TexWisGirl said...

would hate to drop the cam in the snow!

Stefan Jansson said...

Always fun to see other photographers in action.

LĂșcia said...

What a cool place to photograph, but the stairs are not very exciting! ;-)

Anonymous said...

That is something we do not see all that often on blogs, other photographers in action. Good catch.

Andy said...

Down on his knees. For Christmas I asked for and received construction type knee pads. I'm always getting down like this guy.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It's always fun to capture another photographer at work hey Pat, I'm always so curious to know what their shots were like :)

Lois said...

Nice shot! I hope his picture turned out well too.

Birdman said...

Yes, I like this shot of a fellow photographer, even if he was in a bit troubling state.

Revrunner said...

I have trouble enough shooting inside with a tripod. I don't even want to imagine the difficulty he must be having in the cold.

Sharon said...

It's hard to do that type of work in the cold, at least to me. I have a very hard time getting my hands to work in the cold.

Lowell said...

Caught in the act. Great fun. Glad you didn't disturb him. He might have dropped his large format camera in the snow and you'd have to leave in a big hurry! ;-)

cieldequimper said...

That's a brilliant photo!

Taken For Granted said...

Hope he got the photo he had envisioned when he set up his camera. I've always admired photographers who carry large cameras and tripods, but I've never been one of them.

William Kendall said...

That's a good vantage point for the city.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on climbing all those steps to get the picture!

EG CameraGirl said...

I enjoy taking photos of other photographers. I'm thinking he appreciated not being disturbed here as all does not look well.


I love it, the classic shot of another shooter! (Bonus excitement from the precariousness of his position:)

Laura. M said...

Preparing to take a good picture :))

Halcyon said...

Your shot is perfect! I love this scene. :)