Monday, July 28, 2014

Artist At Work

I spotted a mural that was partly done in a railway underpass on Bathurst St and immediately knew it was another piece by Elicser and so I kept going back to see if I could catch the artist at work. Finally after a few trips, there he was! We talked for a while and then he posed for this pic of him in action. He is continuing work on this mural which is quite long and tomorrow I will show you this part which is now completed.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


Birdman said...

I don't understand murals... well, I'm sure he might not understand bloggers.
Way of the world.

Jackie McGuinness said...

Good on you being so tenacious to keep going back and finally catching him!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm impressed that you caught him in the act!

Sharon said...

Excellent shot of the artist in action.

Anonymous said...

Nice you caught the artist at work. This so seldom happens on Monday Mural.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh well done Pat, persistence pays off. Looking forward to seeing M. Elicser's finished piece.

Pam said...

I caught an artist at work once too, it's a lot of fun!

TexWisGirl said...

how neat! looking forward to seeing more of his work!

Halcyon said...

Nice one! It's always a treat to see the artist in action.

Buttons Thoughts said...

That is awesome he is truly a talented young man. Lucky to get to talk to him. B

Karl said...

It's always beautiful to see artists at work, nice one!

Anonymous said...

Great to see the artist at work!

Gerald (SK14) said...

No-one seems to have caught Banksy "at work" yet.

Lowell said...

It was very nice that he posed for you. I'm with Birdman on murals but I have to admit that many of the "artists" are extremely talented!

LĂșcia said...

It's amazing seeing them working, isn't it? ;-)

cieldequimper said...

That's very cool! We don't get to see the artists often, do we! Thanks for waiting and going back!

Revrunner said...

Caught! Excellent! Good job, RedPat. :-)

William Kendall said...

I like the expressiveness in the face.

Randy said...

Looks like it will be interested.

Stephanie said...

Lucky that you got to have a chat and get a photo of him doing the art work.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Very good, I have one like that to publish sometime. Great to see them working on the art

Oakland Daily Photo said...

He definitely has a recognizable style. Glad you got to meet him. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.