Sunday, July 13, 2014

For The Birds

One display at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition which I showed you yesterday consisted of a long sentence running along the ground. Unfortunately the piece was made of a mixture of honey and bird seed and as soon as the sun hit it, there was meltdown. The pigeons spent the rest of the weekend enjoying themselves and the message was lost!


Birdman said...

Seagulls around here would have 'taken it down' in 1/2 the time. Enjoy while you have it.
Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

cieldequimper said...

Ah, I see my friends who so love my windowsills are feasting...

Sharon said...

Surely they must have known that would happen. When I put seed blocks in my yard I feel like every bird in the neighborhood arrives to chow down.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully that was the intent of the artist, for artists are a strange lot to begin with.

Jackie McGuinness said...

I had seen this but didn't realize it had bird seed. None around when I was there.

Luis Gomez said...

It is kind of funny! Love this capture Pat.

Revrunner said...

Love it! :-)

Andy said...

Don't show this to Rob Ford. He might hire them to clean up the city. :)

William Kendall said...

I'm laughing at Andy's comment.

The pigeons must have appreciated that!

Stephanie said...


Randy said...

Not that's something I haven't tried.

Anonymous said...

Cute idea!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

An edible artwork.. how unique and fabulous :)

EG CameraGirl said...

The pigeons seem to like the message.

Anonymous said...

It's a massacre!

jennyfreckles said...

I'd love to know what it said!

Laura. M said...

Good cake they put pigeons;)

Jack said...

This was probably the artist's intention. Something about the impermanence of art and it being more important to feed wildlife.

Unknown said...

I bet the pigeons thought it was a very good idea! :-)

Hasmik H. said...

This is cute! it was a good day to be a pigeon then! :D