Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Retro Fun

Early on a Sunday morning I was wandering just off Yonge St, which is our main street, when I spotted this row of retro metal chairs. And then I saw the sign! Of course I ran over for a pic but the place wasn't open yet so for a look at the interior I hit their website. Apparently Duke's Bar is an outpost of a bar found in Muskoka (cottage country north of the city) and it has been open since last December serving good pub food and they have 40 beers on tap. It is officially on my list of must visits. And I got quite the reflection including moi.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE for more signs from around the world.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love this shot. I have heard of this place. B

Birdman said...

Reminds me of Ken Mac images in the Village.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Bet this is a popular spot Pat, in Perth the scruffier a place is the trendier it is :)
Btw.. looking good there :)

Anonymous said...

That's a very impressive amount of draft beers!

Sharon said...

That place looks well worth a visit or maybe two. I love those chairs.

Anonymous said...

I like everything about this place. I bet inside is even more so retro.

EG CameraGirl said...

Looks like a very cool place!

Unknown said...

Both sign and chairs are fantastic! I wouln't resist taking a photo either. Great find!

Halcyon said...

Absolutely love this one! What a great combination of the chairs, sign and you in auto-portrait. :)

Cloudia said...

Tres Chic!

ALOHA from Honolulu

Stephanie said...

I love those retro chairs! Wonderful capture!

LĂșcia said...

Love these colourful shot!
It wouldn't be the same without you on the picture. ;-)

Tom said...

Neat rusty sign and chairs, not so sure I would want to sit there! Tom The Backroads Traveller

Marleen said...

The seats look very inviting to me.

Gosia said...

lovely chairs i would like to sit.

Anonymous said...

Seems the place to go if you love retro!

s.c said...

For a pub so new they did their best to look as old as possibly. I say it worked . Nice kind of americana here.

William Kendall said...

I'm surprised it's new. It has a lived in kind of look.

Randy said...

I want all of those chairs. I have two but could use more.

Jack said...

This retro look is really inviting. I'll bet that the bar is hugely popular.

Jim said...

Those were the days.

Luis Gomez said...

Love it! What a great shot Pat.

Karl said...

Wow, wht a scene! Love it!

Laura. M said...

Great idea and they are not all equal !!!

Taken For Granted said...

Love the sign and the lawn chairs out front. It has a real 1950s look to it. From the rust, that is about the right age.

VioletSky said...

Those chairs are so comfy, too (unless they've been out in direct sunlight!). The little tables are a cute addition. Looks like an interesting place.

Lois said...

I see you! Those chairs are a wonderful find. You'll have to get some pics of the inside to show us when you go back.