Thursday, July 25, 2024

Little Italy Streetscape


These are typical of the buildings found along College St in the Little Italy neighbourhood with commercial usage on the ground floor and residential above. It is such a nice scale.


s.c said...

Only a bit to little glass in the residentials above.

Taken For Granted said...

These commercial buildings are on a human scale. They are appealing store fronts.

Sharon said...

I find places like this so appealing. It would be fun to browse those shop windows.

Tom said...

...and this is how cities once where built. They built neighborhoods.

Bill said...

Reminds me of buildings where I grew up.

Cloudia said...

Nice walking area

eileeninmd said...

Looks like a nice neighborhood, with these little shops.
Take care, have a great day!

roentare said...

A classic facade

Andrew said...

It is good that the upper levels are used for housing. Many similar buildings here have empty upper levels.