Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dog Watching People

The theme for September for the City Daily Photo Blog community is 'People Watching' which is just what this little Papillon dog was doing for the whole 30 minutes that I saw him while I waited for someone on Ward's Island. His human companion spent the whole time with his attention centred on whatever he was reading, totally ignoring the dog and the beautiful surroundings!
To see more pics on the theme click here.


Lowell said...

You're watching the man plan his trip to England and the dog is watching you wondering if you happen to have a treat in your pocket. Nicely done and a great theme day photo!

Anonymous said...

I see some cool trees!
Have a great weekend Red Pat :)

Halcyon said...

Very creative idea! Although it seems reading while standing would get uncomfortable fast!

reflective essay said...

Its great to see that people are sharing quite profitable information with each other and now we can move our selves to a new era.


Lynette said...

Seems too often that we stand or sit outdoors and don't spend enough of that time enjoying the beauty of our surroundings. I try to keep myself aware, and I think the camera often helps me do that.

Deb said...

Somehow that does not seem the 'right' dog for the guy in the photo.
I see him more as a Bassett Hound type!

hamilton said...

I actually see them as well suited, this well groomed man and dog.

Lúcia said...

Poor little one, he wants to play! ;-)


There is a lot of watching going on indeed! Love this theme day picture. :) Thank you for dropping by, happy it led me back here.

Tanya Breese said...

put a dog in the picture and it becomes my favorite!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

He's definitely got his eye on your Pat! Love his 'perked up' ears, so cute.

Anonymous said...

He has a menacing look in his eyes, hope you used a zoom lens!

Unknown said...

You were caught by the dog! :-)

Birdman said...

Dog watching YOU, it looks like.

Anonymous said...

People watching people, dogs watching people, who is watching the dog!

LOLfromPasa said...

Fantastic photo. Thanks for your comment. Thought it would be fun to visit you...not disappointed.

Sharon said...

That cute little dog is taking it all in. said...

He truly is absorbed in his book. Fun shot, obviously you got the dogs attention.

EG CameraGirl said...

Very patient dog!

Zosia said...

A very alert dog. I like how the man and the dog are facing opposite directions.
I used to live in Toronto and the surrounding area for over 20 years. Now I live in Warsaw, Poland. It's nice to see your photos of the familiar places.
Thank you for visiting Polonica: home Again.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Looks alert, as about to start barking at the photographer.

Buck said...

I like the contrast between the external attention of the dog and the internal attention of the man. Nice photo for the theme!