Saturday, September 29, 2012

First Sign Of Fall

One half of a Maple tree in the neighbourhood has started to turn red. This always seems to be the first tree to change colour every year for whatever reason and it was spectacular yesterday morning against the incredible blue sky!


Sharon said...

Just gorgeous. The one thing I miss about living in the east.

Paul in Powell River said...

I'm waiting for the oaks on our Oak St to give me a display - though there will lots of other opportunities.

Lúcia said...

I love these colours!
We can only find these trees in some cold cities in Brazil, but they are not so beautiful as the ones you have in your country! ;-)

Jack said...

Beautiful, RedPat. We are seeing some trees changing color, too, but not very many as rich as this one yet. said...

What I love about your city is walking down the street in another month and all those gorgeous colored leaves have made the most beautiful carpets on the ground. They are just stunning. I think I still have a perfectly pressed red Toronto maple leaf somewhere in a guide book.

Randy said...

So much beauty.

hamilton said...

the colours always looks so stunning against a blue sky.

Anonymous said...

Aha! So fall decided to skip California entirely and hightail it to Toronto. Can't say I blame it.

Mo said...

Magnificent colours

Birdman said...

Srtop it! hehehehehehe!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

One word Pat...gorgeous!

Deb said...

Great autumn shot, such fabulous colours look extra special on a sunny day

Unknown said...

Beautiful autumn colours against the lovely blue sky.

Lowell said...

Oh wow! We won't see this kind of thing until December! But at least in central Florida we do get a change of seasons (sort of). I do miss fall and spring in the north.

EG CameraGirl said...

Funny how some trees turn colour section by section.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

We have Spring here, of course, but as Albert Camus says:
“Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower”