Thursday, September 27, 2012

Little Witch Press

When I was at the Word On the Street festival on Sunday I managed to get a pic of Sandi, the witch, who was signing cards for kids at the Little Witch Press booth. This is a tiny independent publishing house "dedicated to the production of quality, fun-to-read children's picture books".  Everyone in their booth was dressed as one of the witches from one of their books. Sandi is a green cooking machine witch who takes her food very seriously and has 2 rat friends as you can see hanging from her pot hat!


VioletSky said...

witches have gotten such a bad rap in traditional children's literature. nice to see some 21stC changes!

Paul in Powell River said...

Delightful! Start them reading young, the younger the better. Books have been, and continue to be, a major pleasure in my life.

EG CameraGirl said...

N=My kind of witch. ;)

Lowell said...

Green is good. Green is for veggies. I hope she bewitches the kiddos with the goodness of vegetables!

Jack said...

This is a cute one, RedPat.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

She's obviously a good witch!

Sandy said...

Haha Sandi the witch is fantastic!! said...

LOVE this, love the concept and love a group that would help kids to read - how terrific.

Deb said...

Goodness now THAT is green!
Managing to keep the feet dry so far thanks RedPat.

Sharon said...

Now that must be fun for the kids. I used to love reading sorcery stories as a kid.

Randy said...

Fun shot!

Anonymous said...

Eeeek scary!

Halcyon said...

I've never heard of these books. Guess I'm out of the kids loop!

Lois said...

She looks like a very nice witch! I like that pot hat.

Lúcia said...

Love her outfit! ;-)

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Cute! Anything to get the kids reading!