Saturday, January 18, 2014

Blue Dog

Last weekend I ventured out to Allan Gardens, one of the oldest parks in the city having been established in 1850. It is the site of wonderful greenhouses which I will show you later, but this pic is of one of two  large fibreglass dog sculptures by artist Stephen Cruise found in the off-leash dog area. The blue dog is in the small dog part and a green, tougher-looking dog is in the big dog part.  The park was still a treacherous place to walk after our recent ice storm so this woman was safely seated while her little dog wandered around. You can still see some of the broken branches behind her, a common sight everywhere in Toronto.


Laura. M said...

An original sculpture. The woman looked a good seat;)
Have a good weekend.!

Taken For Granted said...

Great sculpture. In the U.S. the "Blue Dog" Democrats vote with Republicans. Not likely a political meaning here.

Lowell said...

I had the same thought about "Blue Dog" Democrats as did Taken For Granted! :)

I like this blue dog, though, and don't much care for the political ones!

Looks like the animal is providing some protection for the woman.

TexWisGirl said...

how funky!

William Kendall said...

A very eye catching sculpture!

Sharon said...

I love the sculpture. I wonder if the dogs like it.

Karen said...

He could join the blue man group!

Andy said...

If you were sitting outside all winter you also would be blue. :)

The ice is what's keeping me from going out on photo shoots.

Anonymous said...

It's THAT cold there?!

cieldequimper said...

Wow, he's big! And fun!

Deb said...

Goodness me, wonder what breed he is? A Smurf perhaps!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Love that blue dog, not sure mine would though

Jack said...

This is wonderful, RedPat. I don't think I have seen works by this artist before.

Randy said...

I'll bet there are alot of photos of this cute pup.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Louis immediately thought of the US political connotation when he saw "blue dog". Then he realized in Canada it wouldn't have the same meaning. As John wrote, "It's THAT cold there?!"

Anonymous said...

He has a very calming effect, especially with all the storm damage still lying around!

Birdman said...

Kinda funny!

Unknown said...

So cool, love it! Very cheerful on a snowy winter.

Halcyon said...

I never saw this dog. What a funny sight! I love the whimsy.

Anonymous said...

That is a hoot.

EG CameraGirl said...

He's so blue that I'm thinking he's very cold.

The ice damage is visible in Whitby and surrounding area too. Sad.

Karl said...

Nice scene!

Gunn said...

I like this!:)

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

I'm assuming the dog is fairly cold...