Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Church No More

This 1913 Gothic Revival building was the Deer Park United church at St Clair Ave and Avenue Road until 2008 when the dwindling congregation could no longer afford the upkeep on the large building. The church was de-sanctified and sold to developers but development has proved to be a long and tedious process and ownership has changed hands several times as have the plans. It appears that the present plans retain and convert this building with a new structure to be built behind but I'm not sure about that.
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click here for more religious buildings from around the world.


Sharon said...

It's a beautiful building. I hope it gets saved and reused.

TexWisGirl said...

poor old thing.

Halcyon said...

I always liked those church lofts in Toronto. Maybe they will do something like that. It's at least good to know the building won't be demolished (I hope!).

Stephanie said...

It is a beautiful church!

jennyfreckles said...

An elegant building that deserves to be used imaginatively.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I can't believe it's been so hard to find a use for this lovely old church Pat.. I recall a few of your older buildings have been restored and used as artists studios and galleries.. this would be perfect.. wonder what the glass windows look like from the inside.
p.s. I know what you mean about bad drivers, on Sat when it was pouring, I saw at least three possible disasters that could have happened..

Luis Gomez said...

Hopefully it will be nice.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i sure that doesn't mean taking it down? poor thing. that's so sad. ) :

Taken For Granted said...

Perhaps some other church might be interested in this building, but there is little hope for the building otherwise. Your photo may become historic.

Lowell said...

It's quite lovely but I can imagine that it would be hard to find a use for the building, although I've seen some churches renovated to become private homes, or apartments, or even businesses.

I wonder how you "desanctify" a church; chant "Holy no more"? :)

Revrunner said...

Yep, there's a decommissioned church in Norfolk that's now a restaurant called the Abbey. I've eaten there--good food and, of course, atmosphere.

Anonymous said...

Sure would be a shame to lose such a wonderful looking building.

Gerald (SK14) said...

Hope it gets renovated rather than demolished.

William Kendall said...

It is impressive. One hopes a good use for the church will be found.

Randy said...

I hope they don't tear in down.

Anonymous said...

Be interesting to see what fate has in store for it...

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sign of the times I'm afraid, we have many churches like that here

Sally in WA said...

Sad to see it sitting empty. Hopefully the beautiful church building can be incorporated tastefully with new architecture. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Glad you caught the building on the right, it's quite a contrast.