Friday, June 6, 2014

Canoe In Summer

It isn't officially summer here yet but it feels like it so I thought I would go by and check out the canoe sculpture that I showed you in April when this fountain was empty (click here to see it). What a difference water and leaves on the trees makes to our world!


Revrunner said...

Oh, yes! This is much better.

Lois said...

That is a huge difference and I definitely prefer this picture!

Sharon said...

What a difference a month can make! So much more green.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Very cool. B

Lowell said...

Yes! Love the sculpture, the fountain and all the green! So glad that things have warmed up for you!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I know, it's almost like a rebirth.. everything fresh and new.. This is a super sculpture Pat.. your comment on mine today made me realise once again how alike our cities are.

Luis Gomez said...

This is beautiful! I will be going to Toronto for the weekend Pat. I wished I had more time to meet. ;)

Karen said...

Love the colour of the water.

Anonymous said...

Pretty neat. The water completes the effect for sure.

Anonymous said...

The water makes all the difference!

LĂșcia said...

It's a very beautiful day around here also, and I'm stucked in the uni library (half of dozen essays) after spending all night long working on my website (assignment, deadline is today)...

You've had more fun. Enjoy your weekend RedPat! ;-)

Mo said...

Water and art a great combination

cieldequimper said...

It looks so much better like that! I love it!

Halcyon said...

Straight from winter to summer... that's how I remember ONtatario! :)

William Kendall said...

Oh, yes, I remember that! Quite a contrast.

Randy said...

I agree, much better.

Jack said...

The water makes all the difference. I wasn't impressed when the pool was empty, but it works nicely now.

Stephanie said...

Looks nice!

EG CameraGirl said...

This is a wonderful sculpture!

Birdman said...

I like most public art like this.

Unknown said...

This is cool! I obviously prefer the spring shot... :-)

Laura. M said...

I liked it both ways. Now he is beautiful!!! said...

Love, Love, Love