Friday, January 9, 2015

Fox Terrier

"Woman and Terrier" is another piece from the Alex Colville show at the AGO which I really loved. It was done in 1963 and once more shows his wife Rhoda as a model with one of their dogs. He did many works featuring dogs but I have real fondness for terriers so that along with the round shape makes this one special for me.


EG CameraGirl said...

Colville sure was good with a brush, wasn't he?

Anonymous said...

Looks like they are stood beside an airport runway? Either way, it's another classic image.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Just been reading up about Alex Colville, now you see you've broadened my art appreciation Pat :) Seems his war experiences had quite an impact on his art. Must be amazing to have so much talent.

Sharon said...

When I first opened your site, I thought that was a photo. It's so beautifully and realistically painted.

William Kendall said...

That is a beautiful work!

Anonymous said...

When I first opened your page, I too thought you had captured a great photo. Amazing work.

Lowell said...

Just lovely! Another "photograph." I'm amazed at all the precise detail!

Re your comment on the old car: With my grandmother, it would have been accidental suicide. It really was a problem, because she had never known cars and when she finally got to ride in one in the early 40s she had a tendency to open the door - I guess just to get a better view. Had to watch her like a hawk!

Cloudia said...

I love terriers too, and this artist!

ALOHA from Honolulu

Stephanie said...

An exceptional artist, love this one too.

TexWisGirl said...

love how he caught the wiry curls!

Revrunner said...

Airport in the background?

Birdman said...

Even a cat lover would like this one. Here's one!

Gosia said...

dogs and human being is always a great company

VP said...

I have never seen this and it is really a fine painting!

cieldequimper said...

Lovely painting and yes, the roundness is great!

Randy said...

They look so real.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Photorealism makes you look twice. You can almost see the terrier's fur blowing in the wind.


Jack said...

This one is quite charming, but it has the feel of the kind of thing one would find at an outdoor art show, not a fine gallery.

Laura. M said...

Beautiful picture !!!