Thursday, January 8, 2015

"To Prince Edward Island"

This painting by Alex Colville is probably one of his most famous and gives you a good idea of his realistic style with a haunting edge. This one was done in 1965 with Colville's wife Rhoda as the model. There was a large reproduction of this work outside the exit from the show at the AGO where they had a set of binoculars available for you to use and have your pic taken in front of it - people loved this!


EG CameraGirl said...

This is the painting I think of when I think of Colville.

Birdman said...

This sounds like a fun way to involve the viewer into this painting.Wonder what she was looking at back in '65? The Beatles?

Anonymous said...

I think this one is fantastic!

Lowell said...

I love it! Almost looks like a photograph! Glad you like your flamingoes. The darn things started singing "Jingle Bells" a couple of days ago and now won't quit!

Sharon said...

Fantastic painting and I love the idea of the photo op at the end.

TexWisGirl said...

i'm not familiar with his works, but that's pretty cool!

William Kendall said...

This one and the Horse & Train painting are the first works by Colville that come to mind when I think of his body of work.

Anonymous said...

This is new for me. I like it. I hope you show more.

VP said...

Probably the only one I know, and I like it very much!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

New to me also Pat.. more please :) I find the 'realist' style of painting a little unnerving, I like a painting to look like a painting not a photograph :)

Cloudia said...

that is true art with a lot of depth and echoes

ALOHA from Honolulu

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

She was a beautiful model! Thanks for the chance to learn about this artist -- I did go to Google and read about him after yesterday's post

Laura. M said...

I thought you were Pat ;)) pretty picture !!

Gosia said...

What a nice photo. Prince Edward Island Ann of Green Gables also lived there

Revrunner said...

Love those peeps! :-) and one day I hope to visit PEI.

cieldequimper said...

Loooove! I was just thinking the other day that I'd love to take a roadtrip to the Gaspé peninsula and then to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia!

Michelle said...

I love the perspective taken by this painting and obviously the talent exhibited here is spectacular.

Linda said...

A touch of surrealism. Very nice!

Stephanie said...

This painting is one of my favorites!

Jack said...

Yes, I do like his style, RedPat. It reminds me of another artist, but I am not coming up with the name right now.

Aimeecakes said...

ha! I love that they encourage the viewer to participate like that!

Karl said...

No wonder that this is a famous painting, it is brilliant !