Saturday, January 10, 2015


I spotted this house during my wanderings over the holidays. Don't you think it should have a thatched roof? It wouldn't work here in Toronto but it appears as if the owners have tried to give it that look by wrapping the shingles over round forms at the edges. It looks like a B&W except for the grass!


Luis Gomez said...

That is a nice looking place.

VP said...

Thatched or not, it is a lovely place!

TexWisGirl said...

definitely funky looking! and old-world-ish, for sure!

Sharon said...

I bet if it was in England it would have a thatched roof.

Revrunner said...

How very unusual. I wonder, though, if the shingles crack when wrapped like that?

Birdman said...

It does have an old world look to it. Might it work better in an English countryside?

Anonymous said...

They did a good job on trying to achieve that look. I like the stone fence too.

jennyfreckles said...

At first glance it does look like a thatch. English cottage - or alpine chalet? Certainly trying to be something it isn't, really.

Andy said...

You are right the look is there but climate is wrong here.

Lowell said...

It is a beautiful home. I'd like to see the inside. Is that a painting or a window up high in front? It does need a little power washing, I think. :)

cieldequimper said...

Unusual I suppose for a big city, it's lovely!

Gosia said...

It is look so interesting but it is a fake..

EG CameraGirl said...

It does look a lot like a thatched roof. Well, sort of. :)

William Kendall said...

It has a lot of character!

Stephanie said...

Love it!

Randy said...

It does look a little chunky.

Jack said...

I thought it did have a thatched roof. Do any houses in Ontario have thatched roofs?

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Love the look of this house. Makes want to see the inside.

Gerald (SK14) said...

it certainly looks very neat

Anonymous said...

Interesting looking place!

Cloudia said...

Nice capture. House proud

ALOHA from Honolulu

Laura. M said...

A large house. If it is rare the roof edge.