Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blog 5th Birthday!

It's hard to believe but it is 5 years ago today that I started Occasional Toronto and I have only missed 2 days towards the beginning when my wonder dog passed away. I have loved everyday of it and can't imagine not doing a post and not visiting all my blog friends each day. So here is a visual treat to share - it was a tiramisu treat in a chocolate cup with a biscotti on top!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE for more signs from around the world.


William Kendall said...

Quite a day to mark, RedPat! That treat looks very tempting!

Luis Gomez said...

Congratulations Pat!

Birdman said...

Happy B-Day!

21 Wits said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I didn't know you in the beginning, but I do now, and I enjoy reading your posts! I also love the shoes for your photo!

Sharon said...

Happy Anniversary and Congratulations. I feel much the same way. I so enjoy visiting my favorite sites and communicating with so many wonderful people.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Happy Blogday good to see your keeing it going

Karl said...

Happy happy Blog Birthday!
Congratulations for your 5 years activity !
I look further for the next 5 years :)

TexWisGirl said...

happy 5 years! and glad you're part of my 'neighborhood'! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Bolgday. Yes it is fun, or addictive, or a sense of daily responsibility, call it anything you want. Enjoy it while it remains free.

Cloudia said...

It's a happy birthday for all of we your fans! You are indispensable

ALOHA from Honolulu

VP said...

Happy anniversary! You deserved your tiramisu...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Blog. RedPat

Very dedicated you are as a blogger.

I applaud you!

Nice treat for you.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic, congratulations and Happy Birthday!

Bergson said...

happy brithday for your blog

long life to this blog

Gosia said...

wow it is a long time, Take care

Marleen said...

Congratulations! Yes blogging can be addictive..

Stefan Jansson said...


Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Congrats on this great achievement!

The Furry Gnome said...

Congrats! Always enjoy what you come up with.

Lois said...

Happy Birthday to your wonderful blog! That treat looks so good.

Michelle said...


Randy said...

Congratulations! 5 years and still wonderful.

Jack said...

RedPat, you're the best! So, when are you going to step in front of the camera and say hi to us?

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I'm in awe of your faithfulness at posting. Quite the accomplishment, Pat. Congratulations.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Hey - many happy returns!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Happy happy 5th Pat! Only two days off, wow that is incredible, nice work my friend from Toronto :)

Stephanie said...

Happy 5th Anniversary! The sweet on the plate looks scrumptious!

Tom said...

I send my warmest bright day wishes to you. Tom The Backroads Traveller

Laura. M said...

Congratulations Pat, for these five years.
I arrive a little late. But I had a difficult week.
I hope you continue many more ;)))

EG CameraGirl said...

Congratulations on your blog's 5th birthday! I'm so glad you do this blog because I learn so much about Toronto here.

This post made me look back to when I started my blog. I started on a March day too: March 2, 2008. I cannot remember what made me do it but, like you, I'm glad I did. Lots of great people and information here in Blogland.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Pat! :-)

Lesley said...

Congratulations! You've done well.