Monday, March 23, 2015


This is the mural that was in the reflection, that I showed you on Friday, in the door of the Corten steel house from Thursday. It is directly beside the Green Man mural from last Monday and gives you an idea of the view from the door of the house. I have no idea who the artist is, possibly Muha but could find no info.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE for more murals from around the world. 


EG CameraGirl said...

I like the colour combination used. I wonder what all those eyes mean!

Aimeecakes said...

Very cool - a bit picasso-esque

Tom said...

Pat, You sure find a bunch of great garage doors. Tom The Backroads Traveller

Karl said...

I had the same thoughts as EG.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I wonder what the artist was thinking. It is beyond me but it is interesting.

Sharon said...

It has a very Picaso-esque look to it!

Anonymous said...

Very unusual, nice colours!

TexWisGirl said...

pretty cool. almost cat-like.

William Kendall said...

I am seeing some Picasso influences.

Stephanie said...

It has the style of Picasso.

cieldequimper said...

Yes I agree that it's Picasso inspired. I feel watched!

VP said...

Strange, unusual and eye-catching!

Revrunner said...

Sure would help me pick out which garage door was mine.

Unknown said...

Good artist its, going to be famous.

Gosia said...

strange but lovely

21 Wits said...

Wildly pretty! I rather like it.

Lois said...

I like it too, but I feel like I'm being watched!

Randy said...

Love the colors and the eyes. I would have to agree with the Picasso comments.

Halcyon said...

It definitely looks Picasso inspired!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

This one reminds me of a few I've seen here in Perth, wonder if it's the same artist.. Will do a bit of detective work and get back to you Pat :)

Linda said...

Very artistic! A bit disconcerting, I suppose, if you suddenly came across it in the dark, especially if you were drinking.

Gunn said...

I thought about Picasso too.

Laura. M said...

Nice mural :)))