Tuesday, July 2, 2024

At The Market


Sunday afternoon and everything was so neat and tidy at this fruit market along St Clair Ave W. I was out for a long walk and it was hot so I resisted buying anything.


Sharon said...

I'd be tempted by those tomatoes. They look great.

Taken For Granted said...

Fresh berries are hard to resist. Your photo makes my mouth water.

William Kendall said...

Well stocked.

Bill said...

So many plastic punnets just like here. It's hard to avoid them but we try our best.

Cloudia said...

Why that's almost Japanese level!

roentare said...

Foxy strawberries haha

Andrew said...

What nicely displayed fruit, with the 'OPEN' sign being somewhat superfluous.

s.c said...

Colorful show. But pity everything in plastic.

eileeninmd said...

It does look very tidy!
I do love the fresh fruits.
Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Iris Flavia said...

Market on a Sunday? Not allowed here. And too hot. Forget about that...

Anvilcloud said...

It is Wimbledon time, and we haven't had fresh strawberries yet. Maybe we'll get some later today.

Katerinas Blog said...

cherry tomatoes,
of all the good things!!
If I was around I would definitely buy blueberries!!