Thursday, July 4, 2024

Trees Grow


I was out for a wander through Wychwood Park and was struck by how much these trees in front of this house have grown. I remember when they were small saplings and the house was totally open to the road. Now they have a bit of privacy. I have always liked this house which feels to be a bit Frank Lloyd Wright like whereas most of the homes in the park are Arts & Crafts style.


Bill said...

A nice attractive house, Those trees add their beauty to the property.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

A wonderfully lush yard.

Sharon said...

Gorgeous house and trees. It does have the FLW look to it.

Jenn Jilks said...

It looks wonderful.

roentare said...

Love the trees in front of the house

Andrew said...

The house is enhanced by the garden. Thank goodness a high wall wasn't built for 'privacy'.

Katerinas Blog said...

It really is a fact,
the more the garden matures, the more beautiful it becomes!

eileeninmd said...

Nice curb appeal, love the trees and the house!
Take care, have a wonderful day and happy weekend!

s.c said...

Its indeed a nice house with a taste of FLW.

William Kendall said...

Terrific shot.