Sunday, August 25, 2024

Harvesting Tomatoes


The tomatoes are ripening out on the deck and now we will be eating them with every meal to try to keep up with the harvest. Not that I mind at all!


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

They look good!


How wonderful that your tomatoes are ripening so well! There’s nothing like enjoying fresh, homegrown tomatoes with every meal. It sounds like you’ll be having some delicious and vibrant dishes. Enjoy the harvest!

Read my new blog post: Thank you.

Anvilcloud said...

I tried tomatoes a few times -- without luck. Enjoy.

Sharon said...

I am salivating over this photo. Those tomatoes look perfect. I bet they taste wonderful.

Bill said...

Yum! I'm jealous. :) ENJOY each and every one.

eileeninmd said...

The tomatoes look yummy, I wish I had some here.
Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

roentare said...

Tomatoes are so full of goodies.

Revrunner said...

My cherry tomato plants are just now beginning to peter out.

Jack said...


s.c said...

They looks very nice. This weekend I made a caprese salad for 16 people and that one took a lot of tomato's and then it is nice to have your own harvest.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...


Cloudia said...

Glad 🙂 they look wonderful

William Kendall said...


Iris Flavia said...


Stefan Jansson said...

Great. We used to grow them in our greenhouses back in the day.

Laura. M said...

Que ricos Pat. Como estos ninguno. Aprovechemos ahora que los tenemos.
Un abrazo.

Taken For Granted said...

Yes, this is the season of fresh garden tomatoes. The rest of the year tomatoes have little flavor.